Displaying 1 - 6 of 6 in total

Ep. 0: Thinking about day 1

When thinking of the trauma that our students, teachers and schools encounter, the news in the recent months has a perfect storm of contributing factors: the continued...

Ep. 1: What is a trauma-informed approach?

In our first episode, we speak with Dr. Kathleen Minke, executive director of the association of school psychologists, and Dr. Eric Rossen, author of "Supporting and E...

Ep. 2: Racism - the pandemic that never went away

Our second episode is a conversation with Jamilah Pitts, an educator, consultant, and contributing author to Teaching Tolerance. Our conversation addresses how "teachi...

Ep. 3: "The Age of Overwhelm"

Episode three features best-selling author Laura van Dernoot Lipsky on how to support our students, families, and especially our teachers in the“Age of Overwhelm.”

Ep. 4: Post-disaster schooling

Episode four brings principals and superintendent (David Weiss, Brandi Herbert and John Wray) with significant experience in post-disaster schooling to discuss their e...

Ep. 5: The student perspective

In our fifth and final episode, we conclude in a conversation with IB graduate Shreya Mahasenan as she speaks to what is important as we collectively recover to our sc...